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Julian came along and watched my attempts at running and decided it would be best to start from scratch. I really needed to learn to run efficiently because of the energy needed with a prosthetic leg.

He took me right back to walking, getting stride lengths equal, knees up high and arms swinging in opposition to my legs, something I found really difficult even though it should be quite natural.


Photo – Brian Westmore

I spent ages doing drills with training ladders to help with equal stride length.

As you will see below, although small, my stride lengths are equal and in line with the cones.

These drills really paid off as gradually, increasing my momentum, I started to run properly for the first time since before losing my leg. It was still not as smooth as it could be due to the fact I was doing it on my walking leg.

More drills followed and my confidence and strength really started to improve.  When I showed a video of my progress to my NHS prosthetist he followed up his promise, that he would make me a running leg when I proved I was serious.

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